
odm dental chair | focus on oral health

1. Oral cancer is one of the deadliest cancers.

People often overlook oral lumps or blisters, which may cause serious problems such as oral cancer. Therefore, no matter how small the signs are, seek medical attention as soon as they are discovered.

2. The brushing time should not be less than 2 minutes.

Brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes, at least twice a day, and change your toothbrush every three months.

3. Before seeing a doctor, wipe off lipstick or lipstick.

Otherwise, it will rub against the doctor's gloves, or even stain the teeth and gums, which will affect the doctor's color diagnosis.

4. The oral cavity indicates the health of the whole body.

The mouth affects all other parts of the body. If there are gum problems, the prevalence of heart disease is 4 times higher than that of ordinary people. If the first molar is relatively short and has pain from time to time, it indicates digestive problems.

5. Exercise can also cause dental problems.

Strenuous exercise may cause dehydration and weaken saliva's ability to prevent oral diseases. In this way, the risk of tooth decay and bacterial accumulation will increase. And many sports drinks contain unexpected sugars and acids that may damage your tooth enamel.

6. Stop pain medication before seeing the teeth.

Some people often take medicines such as aspirin, but it can cause you to bleed heavily during tooth extraction.

7. Bleeding gums are very serious.

Bleeding gums are signs of inflammation, and it is likely that you have already developed an infection.

8. Not all abrasives contained in toothpaste are harmful.

Many people believe that the abrasive in toothpaste can damage teeth. In fact, on the contrary, soft abrasives such as anhydrous silicic acid and papain contained in toothpaste can polish and whiten teeth.

9. The tongue also has a health code.

The tip of the tongue is bright red, indicating that there may be thyroid or heart problems; the tongue is yellow-green, it is liver or gallbladder problems; slightly grayish brown, usually digestive diseases.

10. Eating sugar does not necessarily cause tooth decay.

As long as the sweets are cleaned in time, there is no big problem. Moreover, a balanced diet is the key to a healthy smile. For example, often skipping meals can cause excessive acidity in the mouth, causing tooth decay and gum problems.

We provide odm dental chairs. If you are interested in odm dental chairs, please contact us for more information.

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